2006 Idea star singer winners were Arun Raj in the male category and Kavita Jayaram in the female category. Idea star singer winners received Rs. 1 lakh in prize money
2007 idea star singer winner was Najim Arshad and he won a flat from the Confident group.In 2007 the other idea star singer winners : The first runner-up was Durga Viswanath . The second runner-up was Thushar M K and the third runner-up was Arun Gopan.
2008 season idea star singer winner was Vivek Anand and Sonia in the male and female winner categories .The other winners of idea star singer 2008: The first runner-up was Rahul R Laxman . The fourth prize of Rs. 2 Lac was won by Gayathri. Consolation prizes bagged by Jins Gopinath and Prasobh.
2009 idea star singer winner was Joby John. The other winners of idea star singer 2009 season : Sreenath and Preethi ,first and second runner up respectively.