Real is the last thing that comes to mind when one thinks about reality shows.  Reality television is no more considered as real and has gone through many changes. It is featured as the package of manipulation, unreal, fakeness, fabricated and scripted emotions which have killed the realness of the reality television. The factors like flirtation, weeping, screaming controversies and betrayal raise the TRP’s.
By definition, reality implies ‘unscripted’.  The reality shows are actually constructed shows. The channel claims the emotions presented are real and it is all about clever editing which works.  This states that everything is real but the channel airs it selectively? 
reality shows
The reality shows includes varieties for all age-groups. From children to teenage and adults to old generation, all has become the target for the channels. In lure to capture huge TRP, the channels even go for paid votes and indirectly they are in process to target the emotions of real ordinary man’s dream of living the life of success. The fake emotions are sold.
The reality in needed to go beyond love, singing and dancing. It needs to be more real and which really touch and involve the real people. It is a form of story-telling which needs to be crafted and structured in a way which does not kill the essence of reality.  The fakes votes and tears are all old mantras of reality shows and now some freshness and actual reality is needed to capture the real audience.
These reality shows are having the positive effect on society too. Confidence for presenting the talent is increasing but on the other side, same confidence devastate when the dreams are broken. Still it is hard for people to accept failure and these emotions are very well captured by the reality shows to earn MONEY.
Truly, there are real lies behind the reality shows.

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